Alexis McGlasson: “In life everyone has a battle”

Every human being has a dream of their own. Alexis is determined to accomplish her dreams regardless of what is put in front of her

As the daughter of a model and professional photographer, Alexis McGlasson has always been inspired by her mom’s work at a young age. She fondly talked about her childhood memories, “What impressed me most about my mom growing up was how confident and fierce my mom was as a model.  When she modeled, the world would seem to stop all around her. Behind the camera or on stage she shined like a star. That is how I feel in the world of modeling.” 

As mother as daughter, each time her mom brought out the camera, little Alexis would run to pose in front of the lens, “My mom always said to me, ‘This is your time to shine!’.” 

“One of my favorite poses as a little model was to put both of my hands on my hips, cross my feet, and tilt my head. I made sure to give that stink eye too! It was my signature pose,” Alexis laughed.

At age 14, the aspiring model officially began her career. Alexis learned skills such as how to prepare for the next pose or how to walk right on the runway. She recalled, “My first experience as a professional model was my first runway show. It was such an amazing experience getting your hair and make-up done. After the preparation, I wore beautiful designer gowns that I was to showcase on the runway. Everyone asked me if I was nervous. Funny thing is that I wasn’t at all. I felt in my element. I felt like a princess for the day!” From then on,  Alexis’ modeling career has flourished and taken her onto a wild ride. 

Through one of her avenues, she discovered the passion for cinema. The young girl even landed a part in an upcoming movie. She revealed, “Bellwood is the name of the movie. At first, I was only asked to perform as an extra in the feature film. However, during the production, I was asked to have a speaking role on the set. I was a cheerleader who was otherwise known as the fun party girl!” She loves acting “because of the creativity of expressions that comes with it.”

Alexis has achieved much in her modeling and acting career. She is currently a growing social media influencer.

However, success does not come easily to her. She was born with many obstacles. As a baby, she was diagnosed with epilepsy. Then she suffered from Tourette Syndrome, a neurological condition that causes involuntary muscle movements and sounds, also known as tics. “At first, having Tourette Syndrome really made me feel frustrated. I came home in tears telling my mom and dad how much it bothered me.”

However, she never let setbacks stop her from fulfilling her dreams. As she has grown, she started to embrace her condition. Alexis was thoughtful, “In life everyone has a battle. Tourette’s is just one of mine. With it, I see the world differently. I guess I can sympathize with people’s struggles easier.”

Alexis McGlasson is determined to accomplish her dreams despite whatever may come. She wants to become an Angel for Victoria’s Secret. “It has been such a dream of mine since I was a little girl. All the models have such natural beauty along with such a fun and loving personality.”

“Live life, don’t let it live you” is her favorite famous saying from Pitbull. “Make the best of your situation and live life to the fullest is such a motivation to me,” she concluded. 

**Team Credit**

Model Name: Alexis McGlasson
Photographer: Mosaab Alsaray Art
PR: House of Paradise
Agency: Next Level Modeling Agency
Hair & Makeup: Karly Martinez
Wardrobe: Attitude by Lory

Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam